I am JavaScript Developer. VScode is usually text editor, but I like it so much, so I work on it. I installed two version of it, stable and insider version too.
You can check it https://code.visualstudio.com/
I use the usual dark theme, so I don’t have any theme on vscode. I use “vscode-icons” for folders icons.
For make the code pretty I use “Prettier- Code formatter”
When I work with html, I use “Live Server”
As a javascript developer I love “ESLint” so much. This help me to write better code.
I use “ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets” for helping with created easy snippets
Bracket is an issue, so I use “Bracket Pair Colorizer” to detect it easily.
Sometimes I feel so issue with tag so I use “Highlight Matching Tag” this helps a lot.