In last lesson we learn about the while loop, but there is a another loop which is really popular and people use this. So we’re going to learn it too.
Suppose we are going to print 1 to 10 on the console. But how we can do it ? We can do it easily
But this is not a good way to do it. Currently we can do it because it’s only ten times. But suppose we need to print 1 – 100. How to do it ?
This is where we use loops. We’re going to use For
loop today!
For is easy. Just remember what we learned in our last tutorial. For loop syntax is –
for (initial, condition, increment/decrement/rulesBreaking) {
// code block to be executed
Let’s write some real codes now. If we wants to print 1 – 10 then we are going to store the values in variable and we are going to start from 1. We can directly do this part in for
first part!
Now we are going to start our for. For then first part will be initial of the number, then condition for breaking the loop and final part will be how we can break the loop.
for (var number = 1; number < 11; number++) {
// code block to be executed
console.log('Printed number - ', number)

By the way did you notice that I used number++ ? What that’s mean ?
number++ = (number = number + 1) same thing. number++ is just a shortcut way to write it.
See the result in browser.

Do you understand the For loop ?
See the codes –