In last tutorial we learnt about installing express js using npm. But why express js and what are options we have ?
Frameworks helps us to write code easily and maintain a standard of our codes. This really needed when multiple team member are working on the same code.
Can you think how many node js framework are available right now ?
Actually many! I didn’t find a number to tell you. But I can listed some –
- Express.js
- Nest.js
- Sails.js
- Koa.js
and many more…
See survery of 2018 —
Express js is dominating when it’s time for a backend framework

Learning and using popular framework has a good benefits honestly. Because there is a huge community who can help you, also you can some decent jobs on the popular framework. But is this all the reason why I choose express ?
No there are more.
Express is
- Fast & Simple
- Speedy
- Scale-able
- easy to learn
So are you interested to learn more about express ?